Friday, October 13, 2006

Past Echoes of the slimmer Kind

Sensing my state of low resistance my daughter managed to persuade me to bid (and eventually win) a Video-DVD Writer Combo on Ebay.
With son No. 1 currently being ‘up on blocks’ after a knee operation and lingering around our house like a bad smell, he managed to rig this contraption up last night and we all sat around watching the old self-made videos from ‘Anno Godknowswhen’.
In the videos there were family members showing their complete lack of style through Elvis Presley sideburns, half-hearted Afros and beards to rival Bluebeard the Terrible!
And those were just the women!
My good friend G. B. looked like Harry Potter and my brother-in-law like the Cookie Monster!

We laughed and generally extracted the urine (took the p*ss) out of each other.
There were people who had since died, people who stopped being friends, people who stopped getting in touch, people who stopped being children and people who stopped worrying about getting caught by the style police!
I, too, had more hair, less weight, more muscles, less wrinkles, more energy and no glasses.

By the time we managed to ice ourselves away from the trip into our past it was past midnight.
As I stood in the bathroom brushing (what are still my own) teeth I looked into the mirror and thought:
What happened?
Did the F*ck-fairy come when we were all asleep and hit us with an ugly-stick??
Is the universe and everything in it travelling North at high speed thus leaving all our body parts to drag behind?


Either ways, the hunt is now on to find all the people in the videos (Spoken in a German Accent: "vee have vays of finding you!!") in order to make them watch the video with us, giving us the chance (and enormous pleasure) to laugh at them whilst pointing fingers at ‘em!

P.S.: It's Friday the 13th today! If this gives you the creeps . . Snap out of it, Freak!!


Heather Plett said...

Ah yes, life does change us all, doesn't it? I just don't look in the mirror as much as I used to and that way I can fool myself at least for short periods of time.

Anonymous said...

I think you might be using far too much pressure while brushing... your gums are far to delicate to be blatently abused like that!

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. You are, in fact, a very nice man.

Could you possibly send me the recipe for Dog a l'Orange? My brainless wonder has been squeaking the same damn duck for the past 45 mins.

I saw on your profile that extra-hot chilli sauce and garlic mayonaise is a good combination. I think I need to try that. You really should bottle that... I would buy it.

My regards to you and your family.


little things said...

I heard it put best once when a friend's elderly mother says she regularly walks by the mirror, takes a peek,and says, "Who the HELL is THAT?"
I still laugh.