Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Me in the (T)rain

Here I am sitting on the train to London which has now accidentally stopped because there is a terrific thunderstorm going on outside to which we have top seats. The water is coming down so fast that the people in the carriage are looking round to see if it is entering the train by the doors.
As we pull into the unsheltered station somewhere between Aylesbury and London the people resemble drowned rats and the smell of wet clothes fills the place.
The weather forecast says that by the time I return home it will be nice again but as the guard announces that this train will be delayed due to problems on the line (hmmm . . . what could it possibly be??) I am reflecting on the following:
What would happen (or should it be will happen) once global warming has turned this otherwise calm and moderate British climate into a cauldron of storms and other types of severe weather??
Already predictions are that a major part of Southern Britain will fall victim to floods and be submerged, which will turn my little home in the centre of England into beach property.
England is already densely populated without a third disappearing under water.
Where is everybody going to go??
How very ill prepared we all are for such things.
Wait!! Hang on!!

(computer being hastily turned off)

Right! I am back! Back on the same train, having been ordered leave it, running across the bridge to the opposite platform and re-boarding it back to Aylesbury.
Apparently lightning has taken out the signalling system ahead and there will be no trains to London.
This reinforces my argument.
Single lightning strike = no trains
Global warming = ????

Jan and I have for some time toyed with the idea of becoming self-sufficient. Easier said then done!

Yes, you can put solar panels on your roof to get your electricity but the way it works is that it first gets put into the national grid and then you take what you want from there. If you produce more than you use, they pay you and visa versa.
Problem is . . . if there is a shortage, will you (as the producer) get first dip into the energy pot?? Eeeehhhmmm . . That would be a NO and you are just as screwed as everyone else.

Even though I have been known to produce considerable amounts of it after kebabs, beers and other culinary delights, it just won’t be enough to heat a house or cook a meal.

Wood burning used to be an option before England built their navy ships by cutting down most forests around the country. England once resembled Canada (forest-wise) but now looks more like . . . well, Holland I guess.

Growing your own food:
Good idea but if the future holds storms, floods and on the other end of the spectrum severe droughts, the only thing that will grow here successfully is water cress!!

So, in summary:
Are we worried about the change in climate? Has the government taken a “lead by example” approach to this looming problem??
Perish the thought! Britain is far too busy sending tax demands to their people, soldiers to Irak and celebrities to the jungle!


Anvilcloud said...

I think the problem is very real but the leaders have their heads elsewhere, particularly the more conservative ones.

Yara said...

Hi Erik,

The one good thing is that we are all in this boat together and if thiss keep going the way they are this statment about the boat will be litteral one day.

Although it is easy and right to blame the goverment we as citizens can do some to help improve our sorounding. Use less water, turn off the light when you are not using it, recycle..etc. We have to take responsability for ourselves as well.

Good luck,


City Slicker said...

I know this morning was a nightmare
Just imagine if leaves were on the track as well

The very nice man said...

Debster - The reason why fat cats don't care is because sh*t only floats downstream!

Anvilcloud - Maybe someone should start a (George.W.)Bushfire?

Yara - I totally agree that we all need to do our bit but wouldn't it be nice, encouraging and decent if the governments of this world would lead by example??

City-Slicker - Leaves?? Oh my God!! Leaves!! Yes . . see my post of 12th October.

Yara said...

Hey Erik,

Oh, I'm totally for blaming the goverments, they're the ones who have to regulate all the green house gases, and nuclear palnts and all these huge poluters, and what do they do, get paid by them. They are blame, but if we do our part, then we can have all the right to complain.
