Tuesday, April 11, 2006

How many Fingers am I holding up?

As time progressed yesterday the pain in my gums got steadily worse and by the time I finally got home I was suffering sufficiently to think of painkillers.
So out came the Talisker Whisky and a tumbler and by the time I had finished double shot No. 4 my gums started to feel quite numb. Unfortunately due to the fact that I had hardly eaten anything all day so did the rest of my face including my brain.
Suddenly everything felt very funny and when my wife finally arrived home from work it took a full meal and 3 hours of rest to get back to some normality.

With the dentist appointment due today and my mouth still feeling as if a mule had kicked it there is really very little point in doing the 40 mile round-trip to work and I therefore decided to stay in the warmth – especially in view of the fact that it is absolutely chucking it down outside. What a miserable, gloomy day!

Time for the daily slimming day recount: Food/Drink: 1 orange, 1 satsuma, 1 pear, 1 tuna fillet, some salad and oh, yes! . . 4 double whiskies.
Exercise: 1 x walking the dog. (How am I ever going to lose any weight??!?!!)

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