Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Struggling to see straight!

A few years back when my friend Keith used to still live near us, we used to regularly play darts for a pub team and I had a dart board up in my garage where we spent many hours playing. Even though he was always much better at this game than me, I did manage to put some decent scores together every now and then.
Last night my wife, my daughter and I went to a local pub where we met up with daughter No. 1 and her fiancée and with his parents, who run this pub.
Since I am on this sponsored slim and currently eating very little, the 4 whiskies I had soon made me feel all fuzzy and weird.
Due to lack of practise over the years and the fact that the whiskies were dragging my eyes out of alignment, Jason (future son-in-law) had no problems beating me.
In fact, he could have thrown the darts with his feet and still would have won.
To add insult to injury my daughter No. 2, who (it has to be said) has the weirdest way of holding a pool cue, wiped the floor with me beating me hands-down as I struggled to pot any ball with the exception of the white one, which I didn’t want to pot!

So . . . end result of the evening:

Darts: Jason 3 - Erik 0
Pool: Jason 1 - Erik 0
Victoria 1 - Erik 0
Funds: Pub £14.45 - Erik 0
Whiskies: Erik 4 - Pub 0

Victoria has almost potted all the Reds . .

. . and is now grinning at my feeble potting attempt.
Gorram cheek!!


Victoria said...

What do you mean, "...who, it has to be said, has the weirdest way of holding a Pool cue..."! So that's it, is it? You tell me, heart in mouth, that I feature on today's blog. Then you use that blog to publically insult me.... Hurrumph!

Well, what can I say? It's of little consequence, seeing as I beat you anyway. And that was BEFORE you properly started on the whiskeys... *Mwa ha ha! Dance, puppets!* Mwa ha haaa... ahem. cough fart

With love (I think ;-),
from your daughter no. 2

Peg said...

Oh, Erik, your daughter is a beautiful girl...and so I also see, you are a cheap date!

As for darts...perhaps you'd have done well to throw with your feet!

Great Post--it's nice to hear a bit about your family!

Desert Songbird said...

Erik - Your post brought to mind a nice little pub that I used to frequent after work back when I was single. I had an encounter with someone much like referenced in my post (to which you so graciously commented), but it was safe then as that person was single as was I.

I'm still catching up with your blog, so don't be surprised if you see comments come through on old posts!

Anvilcloud said...

It seems like you won the important contest vs the club.

Merritt Fields said...

My dart throwing seems to get worse the more I drink, but my pool playing gets better with each beer!

Sounds like your daughter is a good sport!

The very nice man said...

Victoria - "Dance, Puppets"??? Pffft hahargneehee! You Muppet!!

Peg - Good idea! I will try throwing with my feet next time!
P.S.: Don't tell Victoria she is beautiful! She's getting big-headed enough as it is!

Desert Songbird - Thanks for reading this blog! I hope some of the posts will make you laugh! Ever been to England??

Anvilcloud - You are sooo right!
After all is said and done I am the true winner!!

Aisby - My pool playing gets no better even if I see double (so double the chances to pot a ball, right?!).
With me as a Dad my daughter just has to have a sense of humour!! (She is great really but shhhhttt!!)

Anonymous said...

I like lists. Here is mine about your post today.

1. Your daughter is tall. Long Legs. Bless her. I skipped that line in heaven. Most likely looked too long and I didnt' have the patience to wait. Who knew?
2. Here they are a Bar where Bar Flies hang out, not families. Nifty idea.
3. Your daughter SOOOO told on your loosing to her. High Five Daughter no 2.
4. Pool here has more colored balls, stripes and solids. I'm not good at it (either snicker) but I like playing.
5. I just seen your daughter's name is Victoria. I'm Vicki. Nice to meet you. =)
6. There isn't a number 6 but I hated to end on a odd number.