Friday, August 04, 2006

Baldrick, you wouldn't recognize a subtle plan if it painted itself purple and danced naked on a harpsicord singing 'subtle plans are here again'

So then, my dear blogging friends, my suspicions have been verified by the many honest, highly interesting and sometimes very funny comments to my last post about tattoos. I thank you for taking the time and effort to comment on it.
Looks like opinions range from a cautious
I wouldn’t personally but . . whatever bakes your cookie!
Are you completely mad, you senile old goat??!!

Seems like most people feel quite strongly against getting one or having one, which I was quite amazed about. Why?? Because nearly everyone I see, meet, talk to or hear about has got a tattoo, a stud in their tongue or a ring through their belly button.
Therefore I was expecting more of a ‘go on, knock yourself out’ attitude but I am happy to see that you people seem to have your own stance on things.

The most compelling arguments which up to now have stopped me getting one are:
It’s permanent and will I still like it in a few years time?
It’s an acquired taste and I do not want to be judged on appearance?
It’s unnecessary and doesn’t beautify me (and boy do I need beautifying!!)
If I managed up to now without one, why would I suddenly need one now?

So, with you kindly having backed up my general thinking on this matter, I can now put this thing to rest.
As they used to say in Rome: ‘Alea iacta est (the die has been cast)’
and the tattoo parlour has to do with one less customer, very much to the delight of my wife and daughter I’m sure!

Here is a tattoo I had a good giggle at!
Bless you all and thanks again for your input!

1 comment:

Yara said...


Well, it seems you're OK with your decision, which is most important. regardless of what any of us thought you need to do what makes you happy... I like the belly tattoo, it's interesting....:)
