Tumbleweed in the City
Last night we had our AGM (Annual General Meeting) with our share club at work. It is only a small club of about 10 members but we have done really well in the past and even got our story and pictures in the national paper. Every time we have an AGM however the stock market goes down sharply (sheer coincidence I’m sure but nevertheless annoying) and this time was no exception.
As we discussed the state of things before getting completely and utterly drunk we all realised that we are indeed living on the edge so to speak with everybody, everywhere being in debt – from countries and governments over companies and pension funds to families and individuals – all of us owe Pounds, Euros, Dollars and Yens.
How did we get into this state and how do we get out of it? Should we in fact even bother to get out of it?
Maybe it all started when the banks realised that lending money will make them a fortune in return or maybe we as consumers realised that we can have our cake and eat it and that our hectic life is a very short one and by the time it is over we might as well be in huge debt and let someone else worry about it.Nevertheless the fact still remains that if complete repayment of all debt was suddenly been asked of us or else goal would be our lot, then the streets would be empty and tumbleweed would be aplenty in every city. There are 3 crazy months awaiting me, sprinkled with weddings, holidays and littered with expenses but after that I will sit down and look at everything and anything that could save some of the green stuff (money) and see if we can do without it. Honest Gov’ . . . . . . . . or is this still the booze talking???
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