Thursday, November 16, 2006

Superglued Fran!

Just heard a hilarious thing!
My friend Fran broke a saucer and, remembering that she still had an old tube of superglue in the fridge (don’t even ask!!), took it out to warm up.
She then started squeezing it but nothing much happened - or so she thought!!
The glue actually seeped out at the other end and before she realised, she had glued her fingers together.

In essence, the glue went everywhere except on her saucer!
Rushing to the sink to de-glue herself, she realised that her apron was stuck to the side of her work surface and when she tried to back off it, she nearly fell over as her slippers were stuck to the floor!!

I did have to laugh and wondered if any of you readers have done something equally silly or bizarre??

Thanks, Fran, for sharing this!!


little things said...

No superglue accidents to speak of, but you may have read of my trying to push my 1 or 2 ton truck up a short hill after it ran out of gas and narrowly avoiding running my own damn self over. I could claim a blonde moment, but i'm afraid i'm mostly gray these days so I have no excuse.

Kila said...

LOL, I can relate, as I've had to fix many broken items around here (thanks to my active boys!).

It's almost impossible to get that stuff off your skin! Any tricks to share, or is she still covered in glue?

The very nice man said...

It's the little things -
Yes, I do indeed remember your narrow escape!! Still sweating thinking about it! You lucky thing! :-)

Kila -
I think Fran is now glue-free but I have not heard her muttering any anti-glue suggestions apart from:
"Don't buy that gorram stuff!!"

Anonymous said...

I have no encounters with super glue. You wrote that story out perfectly. Great work.

The very nice man said...

Vicki -
Thanks for your kind words!

Merritt Fields said...

That's hilarious. And sounds like something I might do.

Kila said...

Erik, just for you, since I'm partial to that name, I added something to my website.

The very nice man said...

Aisby -
You and me, both!! Haha!

Kila -
Well done, gorgeous one! How beautiful you are!!

Heather Plett said...

Too funny! I can't remember anything like that happening, but I'm a bit of a klutz, so it wouldn't surprise me if it did.